So it's a New Year. Many of us decide to make a resolution of personal improvement each January. One of the most common resolutions is to start an exercise program. In order to stay safe there are 6 simple steps you should follow before beginning your new exercise routine.
- Get a thorough physical examination from your physician. Your doctor may do some screening for high blood pressure, cholesterol, or even an EKG (electrocardiogram). An EKG is a test that measures the electrical signals that control the rhythm of your heartbeat. Your doctor may possibly ask you to perform an exercise stress test to assess what level of activity your heart can handle as well.
- Have a prepared list of questions to ask your doctor. Such questions should include: Do I need any tests before I begin my exercise program$%: Should I change the time that I take my medications (if you take any)$%: Are there any limitations that you recommend that I follow during exercise$%: How often and for how long do you recommend that I exercise$%:
- Hire an educated, certified personal trainer. With your trainer you'll establish an exercise plan together. An effective exercise program usually consists of stretching, activities that increase your heart rate (aerobic exercise), and strength training (lifting weights). You can find qualified personal trainer's that can either train in-home or online. Most health clubs also have personal trainers on staff.
- Start Slowly. Try starting out by doing 10-15 minutes of exercise three days a week. Then increase the duration to 20-25 minutes. After increasing the duration, increase the number of days performing exercise. Overtime, you'll gradually increase your ability to do more.
- Find the right intensity of exercise. To improve your aerobic conditioning, you do not need to perform strenuous and uncomfortable exercise. In fact, "conversational exercise" (where you can comfortably have a conversation while you are exercising) can be beneficial.
- Keep a record of your daily exercise. Keeping track of your performance will help you feel a sense of accomplishment. Small successes will help you stay motivated. But remember, it is okay to skip a day occasionally or to cut back on your exercise if you are too tired or not feeling well.
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